Doey the Doughman has 3 human bodies (and presumably 3 brains because they are all separate consciousness in one big collective fighting for control) inside of him. He DOES NOT HAVE DISSOCIATIVE IDENTITY DISORDER. That is EXTREMELY different from Doey's in game situation. Dissociative identity disorder (DID) is a mental health condition that involves having multiple distinct identities, or "personality states". Doey has 3 human children inside him that have their own personalities that conflict with each other when his emotions get out of whack. While it might seem similar on first glance, the biggest difference is he did not split these boys from a singular brain, he is (physically) three brains forcibly and surgically melded together.
It's dangerous to assert that he is a good representation for folks with DID because he isn't, his circumstances for even having "more than one personality" is because he's ACTUALLY 3 PEOPLE PHYSICALLY SHOVED INTO ONE BODY. This may be a relatable feeling to people who are systems, but it is not an apples to apples comparison, it's an apples to lemons comparison at best, Taking into account Doey's ENTIRE story and lore, if someone with no knowledge of DID was recklessly showed Doey as representation, their conclusion would be that people with DID are unstable, dangerous, and ticking time bomb monsters who need to be killed the second they lose control of themselves. Now if they were told that Doey is collectively three young boys and one of them happens to be violent and temperamental when he looses control of his emotions, they would logically see that "Oh, so it wasn't necessarily his fault, one of the boys just took over the other two" Because a child can do a lot less damage in a child body, than a 900 pound clay body that can shapeshift into anything.
TLDR: Doey the Doughman may be an allegory to DID for some, but it's dangerous to label him with a disorder he clearly doesn't have.
By - KittyChinos