This is niche, I realize that. I'm on the hunt for chocolate chip bagels. It seems that you can't find them anywhere in Calgary. Does anyone have any clue on where to get them from? I'd even be open to driving to Red Deer if necessary. It's a gift for one of my family members going through something rough and I want to be able to surprise them with a little treat.
I am trying to plan and get this trip booked. We are taking our daughter to SeaWorld as her graduation trip she requested and I want it to be good but not put me in debt. It will be 2 adults 2 18yr olds. I was about to book the hotel package and add on the ultimate animal experience and a parking pass since it included SeaWorld admission everyday Wasn’t sure about the all day dining, cabana, or photo add ons. Wanted to be there 4 maybe 5 days last week of May 2025 coming back Sunday before Memorial Day. She’s going to school for animals/zoology so definitely want some animal encounters. We plan to drive down (about 12hrs) husband suggested rental car to there and back or rental car just there but I’m not sure that’s necessary.
1. I am wondering if it’s better to get the packages or stay somewhere nearby and walk/bus/shuttle to the park first thing in the morning. Some packages are 4th or 5th night free. One total I had for 5 days and what I mentioned above was right about $4k which I’d like to stay at or under if possible.
2. Can we easily do SeaWorld and discovery cove in 2days including a half day/5hr experience, and be able to go to the beach, explore the city, restaurants, shops, etc within 4-5 days?
3. Would it be best to do a discovery cove experience one day and do another park?
Any advice, tips, suggestions are appreciated!
Such a bummer! I have really liked this place since moving here and try to actively avoid Starbux as much as possible. Hopefully they can reopen somewhere else!
Yarvin gave a talk about "rebooting" the American government at the 2012 BIL Conference. He used it to advocate the acronym "RAGE", which he defined as "Retire All Government Employees". He described what he felt were flaws in the accepted "World War II mythology", alluding to the idea that Hitler's invasions were acts of self-defense. He argued these discrepancies were pushed by America's "ruling communists", who invented political correctness as an "extremely elaborate mechanism for persecuting racists and fascists". "If Americans want to change their government," he said, "they're going to have to get over their dictator phobia."
Been doing the work search, but didn't so
upload old weeks. I have jobs that I applied to for those weeks, so I'm all good in that respect. Just wondering if I can go back to old weeks and add them?
About a year ago I made a post. *"sobriety isn't what I thought it'd be"*
It was the first time I'd had a long string of sober days, and I was struggling with the idea that sobriety was just... sobriety. It wasn't some miracle drug that would fix everything. It wasn't going to turn my life around and blessings weren't immediately knocking at my door. I was confused and frustrated. *"I guess in striving for sobriety I was also striving for a drug. An escape from my mind. I first turned to drinking to escape sobriety, then I turned to sobriety to escape the drink."*
For years I've been chasing the quick fix, the sweet escape. I realized early in my youth that swallowing a little drink, or a few lines could send in this rush of "happy" and it was revolutionary. You mean to tell me that I can escape my life for a little while and feel nothing but warm and fuzzy? Why *wouldn't* I want to feel like this all the time? I chased that feeling, even long after drugs/alcohol had stopped eliciting those warm fuzzies and only served to harm me. Each time I hit rock bottom, I imagined that on the other side of substances, there was this new incredible life waiting that felt the way alcohol had made me feel in the beginning.
Well, I am here again. I am struck with the realization that the same pitfalls that threatened my sobriety in the past will continue to threaten me unless I can find something new. There is no quick fix drug, and I think what I'm realizing this time around is that we're not *supposed* to be *happy* all the time. I am not meant to feel elated and absolutely in love with my life 24/7. It's enough to be fine. Fine is the baseline. When I was looking for "numbness" in addiction, I wasn't just looking to numb myself, though I have often used that word. "Numb" would be **fine**. **No feeling.** I wasn't ever looking for that. I was looking for the smile that would cross my face as I was encased in warmth and my vision blurred, the manufactured happiness and satisfaction that would follow a few drinks or a hit of a drug. I was looking for escape.
I am back here, again. Those words I wrote a year and a half ago I could've written today. This doesn't feel incredible. This isn't some kind of magic. It's just life, and it's **fine**.
I can't keep sitting here waiting for the drug to kick in. Because it isn't a drug. I keep waiting for happiness to "*come from within*" like that saying... But I think other people's definition of happiness coming from within is so much different to mine, my definition is skewed by years of chasing dopamine hits and spikes in happy chemicals in my brain. I have to find things outside of myself. Living as a prisoner of my own mind, waiting for the walls to be painted yellow or the atmosphere to suddenly be nothing but warm and exciting? That's death. That's picking up a drink. I have to learn to stop looking for extremes. Sometimes I even romanticize pain as long as it came in extremes. Existence is just that, existence. I have to believe I am strong enough to sit with that reality... but sometimes I don't know.
Today is a really *really* tough one y'all. It's frustrating to return to the exact same thought loops that knocked me off the horse last time, and knowing I didn't make it past them before. I have nothing new to say, not really. Just the humiliation of fear, wondering if I'm strong enough to make it through just being "fine" day in and day out. Jesus Christ, man. One day at a time though, right? IWNDWYT... and I *mean* that.
Prior to this I’ve only ever owned an Apple Watch and a few Garmin smart watches, which will still get use as athletic watches but this is my first automatic watch and I couldn’t be happier. Did a lot of reading and looking at different watches before settling on a Spirit Zulu Time 42 mm. Like many others, I’m not a huge fan of the yelp review on the dial but the stars really are so much more subdued in person and the rest of the watch is absolutely beautiful (keeps distracting me at work 😅). Was able to get a great deal on it this past weekend (managed to save about $1000 after taxes). Purchased from an AD so comes complete with 5 year warranty. Going to be happy with this for quite a while.
Does anyone have a resource that they use for testing others or that you give others to test themselves? How many of you trust others to test (gather a good sample) themselves? If you don’t, may I ask why and why do you prefer exposing yourself while gathering a sample from someone else? I’m worried about someone sneezing on me while I try to test them myself.
hello i’m 14 years old and wanting to start kickboxing/mma, my parents money let me join currently since i have exams so il start in the summer. What are ways to train at home? (i have resistance bands and a skipping rope)
Hello, everyone.
My personal banker recently introduced me to hdfc golden years plan for my retirement planning. I am 30 now.
I would be paying 150,000/- INR annually and the accumulated amount at the end of a 40 year period is 15,60,00,022/-
This does not seem right to me for some reason. Like it's my gut feeling that I am missing something here.
As I am new to this, can someone please explain to me in detail whether this figure is actual or is it too good to be true? Thanks in advance.