When do you know when to leave?

I work at a large agency in a major city and have been at my current job for ~11 months. I think I’ve had enough and actively searching for my next role. I am Gen Z and since graduating in 2022, I have not found a job that is suited for me. But I know for sure that this is just not a great fit.

My manager is extremely passive aggressive and condescending. Constantly throwing jabs and making commentary about peoples working style. And also useless commentary at work. Recently, they called someone uninspiring. This person was sharing their career journey on a large company call. That comment was made in our teams chat. I felt so uncomfortable at that comment because 1) this person sharing their story was a POC 2) a manager shouldn’t be making comments like that in a teams chat with junior team members.

I used to think managers were suppose to be mentors and hold professionalism at the forefront. But this makes me feel so uncomfortable, it’s giving mean girl energy. I know what a great manager is, as my previous manager in my previous role was literally the embodiment of a great manager… but she left shortly after. Idk … am I being sensitive ? Or me picking up on these comments from my manager is just me being observant of red flags. No one seems to notice them, but I do. Maybe it’s a cultural thing since I am the only POC on a team of white folks.

What should I do?? Ive been trying to pivot into a career that peaks my interest, which is completely different from my current job. But I feel so stuck. Should I stick it out to my 1 year? Ive been feeling so unhappy.